Tuesday 12 April 2011

University of Hertfordshire volunteers help us out on the Reserve

The sun shone, the laughter never stopped and the achievements were fantastic. On 11th April, 11 volunteers from the University of Hertfordshire gave up 4 hours of their day to help us out on the Reserve. And what a difference they made - a truly wonderful bunch of people. Thank you to every one of you - it was a real pleasure to work with you.

However, not everything went smoothly - at one point we thought there would be someone walking round the university for ever wearing a pair of waders!!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Help from the 4th Harpenden Scouts

We are looking forward to welcoming the 4th Harpenden Scouts to our conservation session at the Nature Reserve on 5th June. We have had a great relationship with the Scouts over the past few years, each helping the other out in different ways. The Scouts will be performing a number of activities on the day that will provide real benefit to the Reserve and visitors to it. At the same time, they are seeking sponsorship for the work they complete to allow them to hold a camp in Holland later in the year.