Friday 8 February 2013

Improvements to watch out for: We are clearing the rank vegetation from the bottom of the ancient meadow, once the meadow used to run all the way down to the chalk stream but now invasive species such as hogweed and white poplars are creating a border and creeping through the meadow. In time, we wish to reseed the meadow with a mix of native flowers. We are going to trial a section by the hedge, you may have seen the 'markers' and a sign, let us know what you think. We were successful in winning a financial award from BIFFA. This will enable us to dredge the damp woodland pond where the original watercress farm was operating and return it to a viable pond for wildlife. We will also be repairing the bank leaks from the River Lea, the river water flows into and contaminates the chalk stream water. The last task will be creating channels through the reed bed in the big pond by the picnic benches. This will encourage a breeding habitat for the waterfowl.