Tuesday 17 May 2011

The 10th Harpenden Scouts create a stir in the chalk streams

On the evening of the 16th May 2011, the 10th Harpenden Scouts joined us on the Reserve for one of their regular weekly meetings. No less than 31 Scouts and six leaders attended on-site to help with conservation activities. After a brief introduction to the Reserve, we set three tasks which they attacked with huge enthusiasm, achieving a great deal in little more than three quarters of an hour. They also sought to test those washing powder adverts that show dirt magically disappearing, at the same time managing to capture several gallons of stream water in their clothes to take home with them.

These sort of events are enjoyable for us as well as the groups that join us and represent another great example of our collaboration with local people. Of the four Volunteers on-site, Vicky joined in as always to the extent that she was wet up to her middle by the end, while Ian Thurman donned his chef's hat and cooked up a selection of hot dogs to perfection.. Virginia also joined us; she was a regular Volunteer a couple of years ago, but has since had some difficulty attending, so it was great to see her returning.

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