Friday 13 May 2011

Voice Your Choice - Batford Springs wins funding

As you may have seen in the local press, Batford Springs Volunteers were successful with their application for a grant in the recent Voice Your Choice initiative. Harpenden residents were asked to vote on how £26,00 should be distributed amongst local organisations to help improve the quality of life in the town. 
Batford Springs Volunteers submitted a proposal for the renovation of the central area of the Batford Springs Nature Reserve. 288 households voted for us and as a result we were awarded the full amount requested for our project, £2000.  The cheque was presented to the group at their AGM (see photo).

The money will be used to renovate and revive that area of the Reserve between the footpath and the weir with new planting, sensitive reclamation of overgrown areas and the replacement of the ancient picnic tables. 
Our thanks to everyone who supported the BSV proposal and also to Oliver Randell, who put in all the legwork on the application.  Planning for the execution of the work is already well advanced.

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